Tuesday 31 March 2015

Perjalanan Umrah 13 - Brotherhood & Sisterhood in Islam: Helping the economy

Saying such as "I do not come here to shop, but to perform my Umra." is a very discomforting phrase that came from a Muslim.....a Malaysian Muslim. 

I can't help but thinking what if that very believes (as of the above) came from all the pilgrims visiting Medina and Mecca and did not buy anything? Would the local economy prosper? Would you find Muslim eateries in Medina and Mecca or perhaps any sundry shop? Any multipurpose shop that sells slippers, lotions, face masks, etc...to just to accommodate the sudden needs of pilgrims? Any pharmacies that sell sought after items such as cough syrups and eye drops for the sick?.....the answer is a big NO!!

Like I have said before, Umra is an Ibadah that requires a very thorough cleanse of both heart and soul. It is an Ibadah that started as early as the moment we've been 'called' by Allah SWT to such ‘elevation’.  

Being hypocritical or arrogant on certain issues, or in this case, the Ibadah, distances us away from Allah SWT. Now, what is hypocritical?

'Behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case'


The prophet (S.A.W) defined it for us in an authentic hadith reported by Imam Muslim and At-Tirmidzi, "One will not enter Paradise, if one has an atom's weight of arrogance in his/her heart." Then a man asked, "One may love his clothes to look good and his shoes to look good?!" The prophet replied, "Allah is beautiful and loves beauty, arrogance is: rejecting the truth and looking down on people."

But then again the saying of "I do not come here to shop, but to perform my Umra." depends hugely on the state of mind and heart of that particular person at that time. One can't access peoples' mind and heart thus being judgmental about it. 'Appraisal' on human should only reside with Allah SWT the Creator...not us...human!!!

Helping the economy of our Muslim's brothers and sisters and Insha’Allah I believed that Islam will be a lot stronger in the existing worldly unity.

 Economy activities started as early as after Subuh prayer. Alhamdulillah.

"And when the prayer has been concluded, disperse within the land and seek from the bounty of Allah , and remember Allah often that you may succeed." 

Surat Al-Jumu`ah: 10 (The Congregation, Friday)

 Local items as wells as of the imported ones....

 Shops outlet

 Selling on gondolas

 Local supermarket called Bin Dawood

 An opportunity to be having local cuisine in Medina (SR20)

 At Jabal Uhud

 My favourite food in Medina, Chicken Shawarma. This small eatery served the best Chicken Shawarma within 1 km radius from Masjidil Nabawi.

 Local Cuisine

 Chicken Shawarma (SR5)

 Korma and sweets shop located opposite Mubarak Silver Hotel. The shopkeeper was very friendly and happily gave discounts on our purchase.

 The best bargainer ever. Besides her was Kak Naha and the farthest ones...well my mom.

 Djuba for ladies. (SR80 in a very very very great bargain- Normal SR160)
Shop under tents...

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